We typically run our workshops with external collaborators, including researchers in philosophy, nursing, sports science, and the cognitive sciences. All of our previous and current collaborators on the Phenomenology and Nursing project are listed below.
Marianne Elisabeth Klinke is associate professor in nursing at the University of Iceland and Academic Chair of Research and Development in Nursing Care within the field of Neurology and Neuro-Rehabilitation at Landspitali, the National University Hospital in Reykjavik. She uses phenomenology to gain insight into patients’ experiences of mistaken perceptions, including patients with unilateral spatial neglect.
Simon Høffding is a postdoctoral researcher at RITMO (the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion) in the Department of Musicology, University of Oslo. His interests span phenomenology, philosophy of mind, enactivism, music, self-awareness, bodily awareness, expertise, interview and cross-disciplinary methodologies.
Websites Oslo | ResearchGate |
kristian Martiny is a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen. He works in philosophy-based cognitive science in healthcare and rehabilitation, using 'phenomenological interviews' to develop person- and patient-centred healthcare and rehabilitation for persons with cerebral palsy and depression. He has also worked outside academia as head of a psychological and social department at a private healthcare institute.
Susanne Ravn is associate professor and head of ‘Body, Culture and Society’, a research unit at the University of Southern Denmark. In her research, she focuses on phenomenological approaches to skilled practices. She is the author of several books in Danish and English and has published her research in journals which are related to phenomenology, qualitative research methods in sport, exercise and health, dance research and sociological analyses of embodied experiences.